You all have a credit score and how it all works well, who truly knows but I would like to give out some information to help you know how to look at your credit report and how to dispute something.
My husband and I were checking his credit score and found some discrepancies on his report. I of course took this personally. I take care of all of our financial everything so this felt like my grade had come in and that I didn't study. He called and checked on both. They were errors that needed to be fixed and his score should recover a month after it was taken off.
Things that you need to know:
1. You should check your credit score once a year (which is free) at
2. Look through all of the report make sure that you have all of the accounts that it says you do and if there are ones that are discrepancies take care of them. They have phone numbers that you can call.
3. They will tell you that you can only write the credit reporting agencies and that you can't call or e-mail which is not true. On the three reporting agencies websites you can go on and report an issue and you can actually do this when you are viewing your repot. Which is the best way to go about it because if you go to their site they might ask you for a report number that you won't have unless you paid for your report.
4. They have 30-45 days to respond to you. They give you a confirmation number and will e-mail you the results. Sometimes you will have to end up disputing it through the mail, but they give you the reasons and what would need to be mailed if that was the case.
5. If you check your credit it doesn't effect your credit score. I always thought that it did but it doesn't and you can do it as many times in a year as you would like. Don't pay more than $30 for all three reports together.
We haven't herd back about our disputes but I will keep you posted as to what happens. Hopefully you don't have to deal with this or if you do that it can be taken care of quickly.